As with all IT equipment that is using certificates for enhanced security, there will be a time when the certificates expire and it will need to be replaced. Below you will find the procedure for ADFS 3.0 and the Web Application Proxy:
First step is to create a new CSR on one of you’re servers and request a renewal of the existing certificate ( in our case a * . After the request has been processed , download your certificate and import the certificate on the server where you created the CRS earlier. For ADFS / WAP it is very important you will have the private key exported with the certificate. You can only export the certificate with a private key on the sever where you previously created the CSR .Export with private keys to *.pfx and import on WAP + ADFS
If you do not do it as described above with and export of the private keys , you will face issues even if you did it exactly as described below as shown in the screenshot below :
Follow the procedure below , starting with the ADFS server:
- Log onto the ADFS server.
- Import the new (exported with private key) certificate to the server. Make sure this is added to the personal certificate store for the computer account.
- Find your thumbprint for the new certificate. Either use the GUI thru the MMC to see the details of the certificate or us powershell with Run Get-AdfsSslCertificate.. Take a copy of the thumbprint and ensure that the spaces are removed.
- Make sure that the service account that is running the ‘Active Directory Federation Services’ service is granted read access to the private key.
- Launch AD FS Management, expand ‘Service’ within the left pane and click ‘Certificates’ , then click ‘Set Service Communications Certificate
- Restart the ADFS services. However this is not enough. Changes made in the GUI does not change the configuration based on the HTTP.sys. To complete the configuration change, run the following PowerShell command : Set-AdfsSslCertificate –Thumbprint <Thumbprintofyourcertificate>.
- Make sure to restart the server
Now you need to log onto the WAP server.
- Import the new (exported with private key) certificate to the server as in step 1.
- Run the PowerShell commando for changing the certificate: Set-WebApplicationProxySslCedrtificate –Thumbprint <Thumbprintofyourcertificate>
- All of your publishing rules defined in the WAP need to be updated with the thumbprint of the new certificate. Use Powershell for updating them with the new thumbprint. Run: Get-WebApplicationProxyApplication –Name “WebAppPublishingRuleName” | Set-WebApplicationProxyApplication –ExternalCertificateThumbprint “<Thumbprintofyourcertificate>”
- Restart the Web Application Proxy services to complete the configuration
Now you are done and you are a happy admin once more . Took me some time to figure it out .
Hope it Helps ,
Kenny Buntinx
MVP Enterprise Client Management